curls to send to a local kodi instance. Intended to be used as keybindings to control the media center from a separate keyboard.
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Daniel Martinez b93a380ceb making a real she'll script 2020-01-23 19:29:25 -05:00 Update '' 2018-07-24 01:25:03 -04:00 making a real she'll script 2020-01-23 19:29:25 -05:00
the_things added comments 2018-06-25 04:26:24 -04:00

I use these curl commands to control playback of a kodi media center from a separate computer. For instance, on my laptop I can press Ctrl+Alt+Space to play/pause on the living room HTPC.

Kodi must have the webserver for control enabled under Settings > Services > Control. The curls need to be adjusted to your specific setup. In these commands I set as the destination. Works best if HTPC has a set internal IP, to be set on the router. If a username/password is set on kodi, change to http://user:pass@192.168.x.x:port/jsponrpc